Penname tracks 17,774 Medium publications and ranks them by their number of followers.
Ideas on living better, creating great work, and achieving your goals.
We envision a world where technology supports our shared wellbeing and ability to experience greater health, connection, and potential.
A place to share life stories, and stories that just don’t seem to have a home.
An inspirational blog about modern life wisdom and how you can find happiness from within,
Become your best self to live and love better with skills and beliefs you never learned
Happy Cities Digest is the home for stories and evidence on the link between urban design and human wellbeing. Follow us to get the latest content right away.
Exploring the art of Life Efficiency: good for the individual, great for the world!
A Medium’s broad umbrella publication. Education, Tech, Teaching, Learning, Improvement, Happiness, Thinking, Life etc.
Weave mindfulness into your life to achieve the zen you’re looking for in a chaotic world.
I spend a lot of time thinking about West Africa & its 367m beautiful people. I imagine, the possibilities, against the background of our work at Joy, Inc. Sometimes I write about the rest of Africa, especially the Kagame Paradox. My daily newsletter here: