Penname tracks 17,774 Medium publications and ranks them by their number of followers.
Practical tips for life and work. These are collections of thoughts, ideas, and lessons. Prompted by conversations, and experiences.
A space to share heartfelt, encouraging and soul-refining ideas with the world. One word at a time.
Many of us, especially Empaths and sensitive souls, have a desire for a gentler world. This space is for you! Share and read stories about noticing and releasing Harshness. Let’s inspire one another on practicing Gentleness.
Where mind and body are one. A publication about health, well-being, personal development, optimal functioning and performance.
A home for people living and thriving through mental illness and disabilities.
A married couple writing authentic stories about relationships, mental health, and self-discovery.
A blog which examines the aspects of the human condition that lead to overthinking, often viewed through the prism of personal experience.
Weave mindfulness into your life to achieve the zen you’re looking for in a chaotic world.