Penname tracks 17,774 Medium publications and ranks them by their number of followers.
All the design inspiration you need. It's like crack for designers. And good for you too! #design #ux #ui #inspiration #creativity #art #startup
Ancient ideas applied to modern times. A new Stoic Letter by Darius Foroux comes out every Friday.
A curation of best portfolio websites, resumes, articles from UX/UI designers, graphic designers and motion designers.
Tutorials, ideas and inspiring stories from designers to design enthusiasts. Welcome to contribute.
Stories from Capital One's designers on how using humanity, simplicity, and ingenuity can empower people to have better control over their money.
I’m rebuilding my life by discovering who I am, learning what I’m capable of after a 9 year heartbreak that left me stranded in China.
Inspirational, thought-provoking, and informative articles on love, relationships, interpersonal communication, health (emotional and physical), friendship, family, and living your life of utmost fulfillment.
Consistency is key. We tell stories about the process it takes to lead a successful lifestyle.
Freethinkr is a place where creatives with diverse backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives explore ideas and thoughts through the written word. Whether your outlook is on dissecting the minutia of the day or seeing the humor in life, strive to be imaginative and inspired.
With gratitude, brought to you by the Third Nature community.