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Strong opinions and shared thoughts on design, business, and technology. Since 1999. Work together the easy way with our all-new version 3 at
Ancient ideas applied to modern times. A new Stoic Letter by Darius Foroux comes out every Friday.
Curated Writings that helps you achieve more with same, dramatically improve productivity and reignite top-line growth.
Combining modern science, ancient wisdom, and practical tools to supercharge your productivity.
"Taking Note" features insights and encouragement to help you regain control of your days, lead a more satisfying life, and focus on what matters most.
Peek into the reMarkable universe and follow the development of the first true paper tablet
The public exploration of how creativity gets done. New book, “Mind Management, Not Time Management,” order now at
Powerful insights from the Blinkist team to change how you work, think & grow. #BehindTheBlinks
Down-and-dirty growth strategies for commercial writers and creators, with a blue collar work ethic, and a no-nonsense voice.
Our mission is to help you find the most suitable productivity tools for your life and work
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I'd like to quit my freelance career with my solo dev product. Here to share my experiences of this journey with you.