Penname tracks 17,774 Medium publications and ranks them by their number of followers.
Film & TV reviews, features, and retrospectives.
A pop culture site focused on Film & TV reviews, opinion pieces, news, and features.
Constantly fascinated by the words that lie sprawled across the page, begging someone to engage, lean in, and flip to the next part of the story. Book reviews keep us abreast of the newest stories, the newest journeys, and the newest lives we could all be living.
A publication focused on expressing afrocentric ideas through diverse forms of literature. A home for writing that is ‘too African’ for the mainstream.
Resonance Reviews is a publication dedicated to bringing fair and rich reviews to the table while skipping the fluff that reviews usually have. We are dedicated to providing you the best in audio hardware reviews. Want to get in contact? Email us: [email protected]
This publication will help you keep track of the enormous inflow of research papers in the field of deep neural network learning. Interesting recent papers are reviewed to allow the reader to quickly grasp the main ideas of each paper without too much math or specific details.