Penname tracks 17,774 Medium publications and ranks them by their number of followers.
Film & TV reviews, features, and retrospectives.
Articles from the staff, students, volunteers, and fans of the George Eastman Museum in Rochester, NY.
STORIUS is an online magazine about the art, craft, and business of storytelling. Featuring perspectives of professional and emerging authors, filmmakers, and other creators, it delivers a rich mix of storytelling facts, news, and techniques to its readers.
A community dedicated to those who are passionate about film. A collection of handpicked publications about movies, the film industry and fan art.
A pop culture site focused on Film & TV reviews, opinion pieces, news, and features.
Harsh Light News revolves around entertainment news, social and political commentary. Harsh Light News is now available on the News360 website and app.
Interstellar Flight Magazine publishes essays on science fiction and fantasy, pop culture, and geek fandom. This publication is a project of Interstellar Flight Press, a speculative publishing house.
Illustrated essays presenting a new space philosophy for the 21st Century. Inspired by 2001: A Space Odyssey with excerpts from Barry Vacker's epic book "Specter of the Monolith." Though the essays date from 2017, the "Explosion of Awareness" page was started in July, 2018.
A celluloid statement of faith: Films should first and foremost be seen in the cinema. I make every effort to do so, and do not review films released on “streaming”. Every film reviewed here is one I’ve seen on the big screen.
Taste App provides personalize recommendation for movies and TV by connecting you with likeminded people
The Reckless Muse is a hangout for dangerous artists, rebellious makers, and disorderly creators.
The intersection of storytelling and design for games, fiction, and narratives of all kinds. Many of these articles were made possible by wonderful patrons at
A candid and critical conversation on the business side of the entertainment industries