Penname tracks 17,774 Medium publications and ranks them by their number of followers.
The latest and greatest updates about the Future of Work, from the CodeControl crew.
Brought to you by a distributed product strategy and design team, with 60+ years collective experience in helping businesses win the love of their customers.
People make systemic change happen on street, neighbourhood, village level… and that's most important. Also, there's great need to act and coordinate activities at areas of various scale: from local area to bioregional / national / regional to transnational to global.
How do you succeed as a modern day freelancer? We share freelance success stories, how-to articles, where to find work, and more to help you along your freelance journey.
Copy the process I have used to land three full-time remote jobs. Live flexibly with a steady paycheck. Full course here:
Empower your business with our highly trained virtual assistants ready to take on the challenges of the modern business world. At Growup, we believe that every founder deserves a reliable and affordable solution to help them succeed.
Bunny Studio is the world’s only platform that provides over 50 end-to-end creative services. Powered by technology and run by humans, it works with the top 4% of global professionals to deliver voice overs, writing, video, design services, and more, in over 100 languages.