Penname tracks 17,774 Medium publications and ranks them by their number of followers.
How work, business, and society face massive, technology-driven change. A conversation growing out of Tim O’Reilly’s book WTF? What’s the Future and Why It’s Up To Us, and the Next:Economy Summit.
The latest and greatest updates about the Future of Work, from the CodeControl crew.
aperture is built on the exchange of ideas around technology, strategy and the dynamics of the platform economy. A content hub and a community.
Stories from our emergent future. Walking the paradigm shifts, together | Ensemble, vers les nouveaux paradigmes. Visit
A venture capital firm investing in exceptional technology entrepreneurs creating scaled solutions in the “PreK to Gray” digital education and skills market.
QUT PwC Chair in Digital Economy: insights from the leading group investigating, stimulating and educating to help organisations and individuals to thrive in the digital economy. This publication does not necessarily reflect views of PwC, Brisbane City Council, or Qld Government.
The latest from, a software company creating products to unlock a team’s full potential: Accountability. Transparency. Autonomy. // High-Performance Collaboration For Remote & Distributed Teams
Stories about the ideas and people shaping the future of work. Welcome to the conversation.
The Disruptive Future is a look at the coming disruptions due to tech and how we need to make changes now to avoid a catastrophic collapse later. For planners, builders and visionaries. to find out more on how to participate.
A publication by Larry G. Maguire, organisational psychologist and writer on the psychology of work, human performance, creativity, and behaviour.
Helping each other design great online learning experiences. A blog by OpenLearning.
Fnplus’s mission is to create a learning experience that is fun, fruitful and rewarding.
Empower your business with our highly trained virtual assistants ready to take on the challenges of the modern business world. At Growup, we believe that every founder deserves a reliable and affordable solution to help them succeed.