Penname tracks 17,774 Medium publications and ranks them by their number of followers.
Opinions expressed by Community contributors do not reflect the opinions of Thrive Global or its employees.
Personal essays, poems, and photography on what it means to be human in a patriarchal society.
Oh, shit. Making my biggest, most secret, most insane goal public. I used to weigh 368 pounds. I'm going to enter an Ironman race when I'm as old as my mother was when she died.
Written by our aid workers: doctors, nurses, logisticians, engineers- all give their own voices and bear witness
Medical and health news and features from Stanford Medicine's blog
Katie Couric and friends talk career, culture, politics, wellness, love, and money
Explores the link between diet and mental health, and how food influences brain function. How what you eat can change the way you feel, sharpen your focus, and affect your memory.
A magazine on science, culture, and philosophy for the intellectually curious
This is the Parkinson’s UK Research Blog. Read the latest — from research explained to interviews with experts.
A publication, podcast, and program to help you lose weight without dieting (tracking your food, going hungry, or relying on willpower).
The University of Leeds was founded in 1904, and its origins go back to the nineteenth century with the founding of the Leeds School of Medicine in 1831.