Penname tracks 17,774 Medium publications and ranks them by their growth rate so that you can find the right ones to read and publish with.
The world's largest independent product management education community. 1m+ readers. 17,000 podcast downloads. 3,500+ articles. 7,000+ Slack members. By Jay Stansell and Tremis Skeete.
Interesting thoughts at the intersection of technology, psychology, and business
Gannett is the largest local news organization in America. Our brands include USA TODAY and 250+ newsrooms spanning 46 states. Gannett’s vastly expanded local-to-national platform reaches over 50% of the U.S. digital audience, including more Millennials than Buzzfeed.
Alan is the first digital health insurance company in Europe. We revolutionise health insurance by focusing on user experience with excellent price-quality ratio health plan.
Deezer I/O is a blog dedicated to stories of Deezer’s engineering, product, design and data teams.
Best practices, ideas, and opinions on UX writing, content design & product strategy
Product, Experience & Technology @ OpenClassrooms
A collection of Design Systems for Figma from all over the globe 🌎
We’re a group of designers, writers, photographers, producers, film makers, and strategists who are obsessed with making business software great.
StellarPeers is a community platform that helps professionals prepare for product management interviews.