Penname tracks 17,774 Medium publications and ranks them by their growth rate so that you can find the right ones to read and publish with.
Coding tutorials and news. The developer homepage && &&
We Share Innovative Stories Related to Python Programming, Cyber Security, Machine learning, Data Science, Computer Vision, Automation, Web Scraping, Software Development, and more related to AI.
Open source chronicle of working on open source projects and discussing issues within the open source community. This will include highlighting open source projects in several programming languages
Learn about how products are developed at Agoda, what is being done under the hood, from engineering to design, to provide users a seamless experience at
All aspects of organisational analysis: business analysis | enterprise architecture | quality
We help developers learn and grow by keeping them up with what matters. 👉
Technology insights at Mercedes-Benz Tech Innovation from passionate people sharing their personal experiences and opinions in this blog.
We fuse startup thinking and agile methods to help established companies increase value, drive efficiencies and thrive in an evolving world
Learn about PASHA Bank’s engineering efforts, company culture, product developments and more
A collection of stories that have anything and everything to do with DevOps from horror stories to success stories. If it's about Gitlab, Jenkins, Chef, Ansible, AWS, Azure, Kubernetes, Software Engineer then it belongs here.
Here, our engineering teams share the solutions to some of the most exciting challenges we encounter at DoiT International. If you like what we do, check our career page
Great engineers building one of the world’s craziest applications for visual storytelling.
Connecting minds and stories about Chatbots, Conversational Channels, Artificial Intelligence, Products, Engineering, Customer Experience, and, of course, about our Culture: Dream Big, Win Together, Keep It Simple and Make It Happen.
Alan is the first digital health insurance company in Europe. We revolutionise health insurance by focusing on user experience with excellent price-quality ratio health plan.
We provide high quality content on web development and cloud technologies for developers.