Penname tracks 17,774 Medium publications and ranks them by their number of followers.
i enjoy going to the theater by myself or with a large group of friends or with you, baby.
Film & TV reviews, features, and retrospectives.
Movies | TV | Gaming | Comics | News Media | Music | Other Indecent Pursuits
A community dedicated to those who are passionate about film. A collection of handpicked publications about movies, the film industry and fan art.
A pop culture site focused on Film & TV reviews, opinion pieces, news, and features.
Interstellar Flight Magazine publishes essays on science fiction and fantasy, pop culture, and geek fandom. This publication is a project of Interstellar Flight Press, a speculative publishing house.
SydneysBuzz focuses on international film industry developments and analyzes the international film market as it relates to buyers, sales agents, distributors, filmmakers and film festivals.
A celluloid statement of faith: Films should first and foremost be seen in the cinema. I make every effort to do so, and do not review films released on “streaming”. Every film reviewed here is one I’ve seen on the big screen.
Covering the intersection of movies, politics, and current events. Also tech, gardening, and DIY stuff.
Taste App provides personalize recommendation for movies and TV by connecting you with likeminded people