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A newsletter for 2,000+ investors seeking to benefit from market asymmetries, focusing on Fat Tails and Risk-Taking. You can find us at
The Philosophical Inn is a publication dedicated to philosophy and its application to modern life. A place where every week you can enjoy entertaining articles that will make you reflect on the great unknowns of life.
History is Nasty, Brutish, Short, and Grim. Let these stories cheer you up.
Write any story about the first time something happened to you or a first experience.
You can always find hundreds of diverse stories and personal essays on health, relationships, human behavior, life lessons, productivity, global and environmental issues, and more. Read Medium 101 stories for money making writing tips, PLUS subscribe to the Exposure Newsletter.
Tiny Life Moments is for writers and readers who believe experience is the best teacher. Our stories follow a consistent format: “Story — Reflection — Takeaways.” Join us and share your experiences in an open and honest way. Let’s learn from each other. New writers are welcome.
The first Christians were called The Way: They found a way to live and follow Home.
Socrates Café on Medium is all about making ours, on local and global scales, an inclusive, thoughtful and participatory society where regular exchanges of ideas and ideals among diverse people take place.
The gory details and behind the scenes stories about pay for play practitioners
A place for articles on the subject of astrology that enhance personal growth & inspire spiritual development.