Penname tracks 17,774 Medium publications and ranks them by their growth rate so that you can find the right ones to read and publish with.
A Medium publication dedicated to spirituality. Learn how to manifest and co-create with the universe today.
Stories from people who have questioned their beliefs, left their faith, navigated doubt, and changed their minds about religion. Some are atheists, some agnostic, and some embrace a different kind of belief. All of them are recovering from religion.
There will be no judgment or bullying in this sacred safe space. Views about Spirituality, Darkness, self love; spiritual growth; any damn thing you please…respect each other and us writer’s can be at ease
Catholicism Coffee is dedicated towards spreading knowledge about the Catholic Faith to the world. We passionately write articles on Catholicism, pen down thought provoking spirituality essay’s and summarise church theology and beliefs as straight-forward as possible.
The first Christians were called The Way: They found a way to live and follow Home.
Stories about faith, spirituality, and religion to bridge gaps, expand perspectives, and unify humanity.
A space to share heartfelt, encouraging and soul-refining ideas with the world. One word at a time.