Penname tracks 17,774 Medium publications and ranks them by their number of followers.
Stories and technical tips about building apps for iOS, Apple Watch, and iPad/iPhone
Find the best tutorials and courses for the web, mobile, chatbot, AR/VR development, database management, data science, web design and cryptocurrency. Practice in JavaScript, Java, Python, R, Android, Swift, Objective-C, React, Node Js, Ember, C++, SQL & more.
Discover the best learning resources, tips, stories & news on chatbots, development, Programming, design, data science, blockchain, mobile development, web development and design, front end development, Dev ops, software engineering.
Design, Development and Leadership articles written and curated by Adam Silver & Mark Jenkins
We’re creating an elegantly connected, digitally enhanced, and well-communicated world. Are you with us?
Engineering, Research, and Culture from the Tableau Development Team
Not a massive development shop, VC firm, or design agency. But a unique group of skilled individuals, all feeding on one another’s talent. Empowering businesses to grow their success.
EAST SIDE GAMES is a proudly independent and profitable game studio with a collaborative, creative, and fun culture. Our games fund all our new projects, and everyone who works here has a direct impact on the day-to-day business.
Stories from Pipedrive’s product, engineering, design, marketing, localization, and many other teams
We are focussed towards learning different technologies like React, Angular, Machine Learning, Python, Golang and AWS. Follow us for detailed conceptual understanding of these technologies and Interview Preparations.