Penname tracks 17,774 Medium publications and ranks them by their growth rate so that you can find the right ones to read and publish with.
We share entrepreneurial stories, insights, and ideas in order to help your startup grow
In-depth Interviews with Authorities in Business, Pop Culture, Wellness, Social Impact, and Tech. We use interviews to draw out stories that are both empowering and actionable.
Interesting thoughts at the intersection of technology, psychology, and business
Musings about Finance, Business, and sprinkled with Data | New Writers Welcome — send Twitter DM or Email!
All the things they should have taught you in field school and college
This publication features articles about the NFT space, especially focusing on generative art and 10k NFT sets. Editor: Jim Dee of — [email protected].
No Matter What People Tell You, Words And Ideas Can Change The World.
To inform and inspire people who have a passion for using business as a force for good in the world. Join our community at
mindset and skillset for solopreneurs, freelancers and small business owners
Stories, case studies and explorations in Platform Design, Vision and Execution
Our mission is to help you find the most suitable productivity tools for your life and work
GVCdium is a place to discuss the business of VC. Its goal is to facilitate a better understanding of the work behind every deal and valuation - lifting the veil on an industry that often plays its cards close to the chest. To submit a story, email [email protected]