Penname tracks 17,774 Medium publications and ranks them by their growth rate so that you can find the right ones to read and publish with.
All aspects of organisational analysis: business analysis | enterprise architecture | quality
Technology insights at Mercedes-Benz Tech Innovation from passionate people sharing their personal experiences and opinions in this blog.
Thoughts, musings and ramblings of a digital consultant by Burn Up Media Ltd
Be Happy, Be Awesome! We deliver high-quality digital services to citizens and businesses in Singapore 😊
A collective effort from ASOS's Tech Team, driven and directed by our writers. Learn about our engineering, our culture, and anything else that's on our mind.
Sharing insights, innovative ideas and ways of working from Macquarie’s engineering team.
A practical guide to applying agile principles and navigating an agile transformation in the real, messy world.
Stories from Pipedrive’s product, engineering, design, marketing, localization, and many other teams
Best posts from last week on agile and lean methodologies, Scrum and product management. Manually curated, no robots involved.