Penname tracks 17,774 Medium publications and ranks them by their growth rate so that you can find the right ones to read and publish with.
We help our customers design, architect, develop and operate modern, intelligent, beautiful and usable apps on any platform powered by the Cloud, IoT and AI.
R Before D believes in Research Before Design (and Development). We care about customer, user, and human experiences with products and services. Balance biz and customer needs. Deserve adoption and retention. and
Stories from the thinkers and tinkerers at Microsoft. Sharing sketches, designs, and everything in between.
Customer delight, by design. Team satisfaction, by passion. Impact, by default.
A publication for designers of New York & design lovers from all around the world. Design thinking is what makes us share with the whole world.
Helping businesses & individuals apply their UX skills to how they’re experienced by other people. Mike Curtis, Sr. UX Designer and author of The You Design System, has 21 years of experience in design, UX, marketing, e-commerce & sales.
This collection of articles showcases the ongoing work of user experience research at Microsoft. Our community represents user experience researchers, designers, program managers, and engineers who are developing products with users at the center.
Touchpoint is the first and only journal dedicated to the practice of service design. Published by practitioners for practitioners, Touchpoint is essential reading for both newcomers and seasoned experts.
Meet the design practitioners and enthusiasts of Societe Generale. We craft meaningful products and experiences for start-ups, corporates and financial institutions.
Digital transformation with a low-code platform meticulously designed, engineered and crafted by engineers for engineers.
The best UX design case studies for your inspirations on UX processes, research and design.
thoughts, inspirations, learnings, ideas, and anything to do with experience design, innovation, customer experience, user experience, service design, and design thinking