Penname tracks 17,774 Medium publications and ranks them by their number of followers.
Coding tutorials and news. The developer homepage && &&
We help developers learn and grow by keeping them up with what matters. 👉
We Share Innovative Stories Related to Python Programming, Cyber Security, Machine learning, Data Science, Computer Vision, Automation, Web Scraping, Software Development, and more related to AI.
The low down on our high tech from the engineering experts at Capital One. Learn about the solutions, ideas and stories driving our tech transformation.
For individual engineers to the largest teams, Better Practices is intended to distill knowledge from the Postman community. This is a place to learn about modern software practices together! Read more:
Custom software development: Scala, Akka, Kafka, ML consulting. Distributed systems & backends, APIs. Tech partner to execute your idea! ➡️
This is my freedom area. Don't underestimate it. The devil is in the detail.
A collection of stories that have anything and everything to do with DevOps from horror stories to success stories. If it's about Gitlab, Jenkins, Chef, Ansible, AWS, Azure, Kubernetes, Software Engineer then it belongs here.
This blog was created to give Black engineers a place to learn about what it takes to reach the highest levels of leadership in tech. Additionally, we want to give everyone a chance to learn about how we see our communities, technology, and the world.
All the work that a SWE does is largely forgotten after said feature, product, or fix has been released. We are a small group of software engineers who believe that this should not be the case. We believe an engineer's work can tell a story and so created
Learn about how products are developed at Agoda, what is being done under the hood, from engineering to design, to provide users a seamless experience at
A collective effort from ASOS's Tech Team, driven and directed by our writers. Learn about our engineering, our culture, and anything else that's on our mind.