Penname tracks 17,774 Medium publications and ranks them by their number of followers.
UNHCR’s Innovation Service supports new approaches and methodologies to address the growing humanitarian needs of today — and, more critically, the future.
Sci Five has been discontinued. Head to for more inspiring research stories of the University of Basel.
AdBioS is a science communication platform that aims to explain ground-breaking science in the field of biology, medicine, biotechnology, neuroscience and genetics to literally everyone. Scientific understanding has too many barriers, let's break them down!
We are three enthusiastic young researchers trying to spread our fascination for the strange phenomena of interacting quantum matter into the world. Our second shared feat is a hobbyist’s interest in the Arts of different denominations. This project is about marrying those two.
Drawing the lines between reality and fiction…and then blurring them appropriately: A blog about how ideas from science fiction can carry insights into fascinating scienctific theories.
The intersection of physics and pop culture geeky stuff. That means pure physics, video analysis, superhero, and science fiction things.