Penname tracks 17,774 Medium publications and ranks them by their number of followers.
AdBlock is one of the most popular ad blockers worldwide with more than 60 million users on major desktop and mobile browsers. Use AdBlock to block annoying ads, improve browser speeds, and protect yourself online.
The Internet Privacy Expert discussing the latest news about privacy and internet security.
Oasis Labs is building a privacy-first cloud computing platform on blockchain. We're hiring! Apply at
Missives, ruminations, and explainers from the GNI network — members and outside experts with a shared interest in freedom of expression and privacy in the ICT sector.
Tips, tricks, pointers and perspectives on building secure, testable, maintainable apps. Thoughts and observations about security and privacy from IronCore Labs.
Insights on the intersection of data ethics, privacy and design from the team at
A blog focused on machine learning and artificial intelligence from the Georgian R&D team
Technology that’s bringing about the future of personal data. Change the Internet.
A community of professionals who help answer each other’s questions about data laws.
FDS is an initiative towards decentralised self-sovereign data commons building on fair data principles as an alternative to the surveillance capitalism and dopamine economy. Website:
Center on Privacy & Technology, Georgetown Law. Think tank focusing on the intersection of technology, privacy, and civil rights.