Penname tracks 17,774 Medium publications and ranks them by their number of followers.
Personal essay, memoir, photography, poetry, humor — what’s going on in your community? What’s the world like where you are? I don’t request stories — or edit them! — but am happy to consider your piece. @JustThinkingNow or [email protected]
We want your personal stories. Essays that enlighten, amuse, inspire, captivate. The human experience is complex, but rife with identity, commonality. Share your words with us so that we may embrace the world we live in and fully cherish our eclectic humanity.
The Writing Prof is a collection of ideas about the art and craft of writing from a college professor and other writing professionals. You’ll find writing tips and posts about grammar and punctuation, language and literature, book reviews, personal essays, and all things writing.
If you’re looking for great stories that you may have missed when they were published, this is where you hear all about them. Writers can come and write short teasers about the MAIN story, and provide readers with the title and link.