Penname tracks 17,774 Medium publications and ranks them by their number of followers.
Crypto, tokens, NFTs, web3, metaverse, trading and everything related to the blockchain
Business, technology and culture of all the virtual worlds, realities and experiences of the Metaverse. 2D, 3D, mobile phones, VR/AR, games, MMORPGs, social networks, digital collectibles, esports; game design, Unity, Unreal, free-to-play (f2p), blockchain, NFTs.
Boson Protocol is the decentralized network on which future commerce will run. And it starts with metaverse commerce. Boson Protocol enables anyone to sell physical products in the metaverse as NFTs. For more information visit
ICO's are passe Security Token Offering is now in Security Tokens are financial securities that offer an array of financial rights to the investor.
This publication covers the practical knowledge and experience of software development practices such as TDD, CICD, Automated Testing, Agile for ARVRMR and Metaverse development, and UX design. It is an open community initiative for and by the XR enthusiasts