Penname tracks 17,774 Medium publications and ranks them by their number of followers.
Every Sunday, my wife and I cook together. It's a time to be intentional about our marriage and enjoy some good food along the way. Each week, we post about our experiences here. It's amazing what you can learn from the simple things in life.
Stories about relationship and love. All kind of relationships, love, child-parent, boss-employee, but must have a relationship character.
Being a family man comes with a lot of weight and responsibility. We publish articles that encourage you to keep going, inspire you to step up your game, and equip you with tips to unlock the best dad/husband/provider/in-law/chef/tooth fairy/taxi driver you can be.
Everything about good and bad relationships and how to better or leave them.
An actionable guide about how to have better sex, according to a sensual dominatrix.