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This publication holds all stories related to ILLUMINATION, ILLUMINATION-Curated, and ILLUMINATION’S MIRROR
We enable personal and collective agency to cultivate change in the world with a multi-method approach to systems change learning — with networks, organisations, and individuals.
How can we build our collective capacities for transformation in the face of accelerating social and environmental breakdowns?
Helping businesses & individuals apply their UX skills to how they’re experienced by other people. Mike Curtis, Sr. UX Designer and author of The You Design System, has 21 years of experience in design, UX, marketing, e-commerce & sales.
Our thoughts, opinions, and insights into technology and leadership. We blog about scalability, devops, and organizational issues.
An accumulation of ideas that provide an opportunity to transfer a spark from one persons mind, to another persons soul. Leadership, growth, productivity and personal development.
Always curious - curating knowledge to solve problems and create change. I write for myself to capture interesting links and synthesise ideas I am trying to learn.