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Expert analysis, simple explanations, and the latest advances in IoT, AR/VR/MR, AI & ML and beyond! To publish with us please email: [email protected]
Accelerate your generative AI journey with insights from people who know what they’re doing. Every Wednesday we publish a video demoing the latest generative AI techniques & best practices learned from our consulting practice. Sign up for our newsletter for code, templates, etc.
thoughts, stories and ideas | by the grandcentrix team |
We are a team of IT enthusiasts and Cloud pioneers proudly using the AWS cloud since 2007 and loving to share all the cool things we do with it every day. Find our AWS pro tips, configuration insights, in-depth news, tips&tricks, how-tos, and more!
Mainflux is highly secure, scalable, open-source IoT platform written in Go and deployed in Docker. It serves as software infrastructure and set of microservices for development of the Internet of Things Solutions and deployment of Intelligent products.
We bring digital experiences to life through an integrated approach to design and technology.