Penname tracks 17,774 Medium publications and ranks them by their number of followers.
The Writers Fight Club is a club of anonymous warriors where we share wisdom to help you win the fight (whatever battle you’re fighting). Welcome home.
Sharing experiences and insights from my +10 years as a freelance writer and editor.
Do you have what it takes to be a working freelance writer? Here are some tips.
How do you succeed as a modern day freelancer? We share freelance success stories, how-to articles, where to find work, and more to help you along your freelance journey.
Helping freelancers navigate the many pain points of self-employment and running a business.
From freelance writing, mental health, poetry, coffee, motherhood, and passive income, these topics combine to convey the real life workings of a real life writer. I’ve had minimal amounts of success with writing. Learn from my failures and celebrate from my accomplishments.