Penname tracks 17,774 Medium publications and ranks them by their number of followers.
Poetry and creative non fiction including memoir, personal essay, experimental, and academic theory. Our work regularly deals with intersectional social justice on race, gender, class and sexual orientation. All that and our eclectic collection of crazy dog stories too.
The Arcanist is a speculative flash fiction magazine where weird, but literary, stories call home.
A flash-fiction publication dedicated to Sci-Fi stories under 1,000 words, so you can read at least one on your potty break.
Microfiction, Short Stories, Writing Tips & Blog, mostly by Stevie Adler with Guest Microfiction.
A flash-fiction publication dedicated to fantasy stories under 1,000 words, so you can read at least one on your potty break.
A fiction publication brought to you by Assemblage that focuses on creative narratives spun by captivating minds.
Small fictions for busy days. Get it to your inbox here:
Salt City Genre Writers is a writing group based in Salt Lake City, Utah. We hold a monthly flash fiction contest for members to be published on our Medium publication. These are the winning stories.