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Medium independent DevOps publication. Join thousands of aspiring developers and DevOps enthusiasts
Code, ship, and run apps for Kubernetes faster and easier than ever — powered by Ambassador’s industry-leading developer experience.
Your place to learn more about DevOps. Kubernetes, Docker, Terraform, Helm, ArgoCD, Prometheus, Grafana, Loki, Istio, Ansible, Jenkins, Fluentd, FluentBit, IaC, GitOps, CI/CD, Git, etc.
#DockerCaptain. Startup enthusiast. Software guy. Mandarin’s learner. Chocolate eater. Each day should be the opportunity to learn something
Polyverse is the simplest and most effective application cybersecurity product on the market. Our Moving Target Defense technologies provides cyber assurance not hindsight.
Data Mechanics is a managed Spark platform focused on making Apache Spark more developer-friendly and more cost-effective for data engineering teams. It is deployed inside our customers cloud account (AWS, Azure, or GCP) on a Kubernetes cluster that we create and manage for them.