Penname tracks 17,774 Medium publications and ranks them by their growth rate so that you can find the right ones to read and publish with.
The leading AI community and content platform focused on making AI accessible to all
Analytics Vidhya is a community of Analytics and Data Science professionals. We are building the next-gen data science ecosystem
This publication will help you keep track of the enormous inflow of research papers in the field of deep neural network learning. Interesting recent papers are reviewed to allow the reader to quickly grasp the main ideas of each paper without too much math or specific details.
Latest News, Info and Tutorials on Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Big Data and what it means for Humanity.
Established in 2016, the Data Institute at USF serves as the umbrella organization for data science research and programming at the University of San Francisco. We offer MS Data Science, BS Data Science and continuing education certificates.
Simple intuitive explanations for everything Deep Learning. From basic concepts to cutting edge advances.
NVIDIA Merlin is a series of open source tools for accelerating ETL, training and deployment of recommender systems entirely on GPU.
Turning your AI vision into a success story. Our medium page is a premium selection of articles about developments and practices in artificial intelligence and machine learning, written by our engineers, who love to code and talk tech.
A .NET based Open Source Ecosystem for Data Science, Machine Learning and AI.
Helping organizations to implement AI, engineering and data science initiatives
An online publication based on the advancement of artificial intelligence, machine learning, and self-learning neural networks. Above Intelligent™ focuses on emerging technologies and the people behind the innovation.
The most accurate speech and text APIs for locally spoken languages in Asia, the Middle East and Africa. Hosted in your private cloud.
Articles about the #DeepLearning (mostly Google Cloud with #TF).
Accelerate your generative AI journey with insights from people who know what they’re doing. Every Wednesday we publish a video demoing the latest generative AI techniques & best practices learned from our consulting practice. Sign up for our newsletter for code, templates, etc.
We are a part of SAP Artificial Technologies and this is our blog where we write about our current machine learning research projects and share the latest news.