Penname tracks 17,774 Medium publications and ranks them by their growth rate so that you can find the right ones to read and publish with.
Putting a spotlight on some of the most interesting new charts, maps and infographics as great examples showing the power of data visualization in action, curated from around the web every week. Made or found a cool data viz? Let us know for a chance to get featured.
Understanding how Data Science and Statistics work, sharing my knowledge, and showing you how it is used everywhere and how to harness its power. Simplifying Data Science for beginners and breaking down hard-to-understand concepts in a jargon-less way. Stay tuned for more!
Here we showcase a series of articles on the Stata software covering topics ranging from data science to statistical analysis.
News, resources, and advice for developers and data analysts who building on the world's most open, secure, scalable, and reliable cloud BI Platform.
A place to share and learn about anything related to Data Science curated by Data Science Indonesia members for Data Science People.
Learn about Splunk’s engineering efforts, data science practices, company culture, and more.