Penname tracks 17,774 Medium publications and ranks them by their number of followers.
Expert takes and analyses on everything IT, from cloud computing to app development and more.
Thoughts, musings and ramblings of a digital consultant by Burn Up Media Ltd
We’re a collective of thinkers, dreamers and doers out to reimagine how software is built. We experiment, instead of working on technology du jour. Check out:
Future is Present Tense presents a glimpse into thinking and various points of view from Nordkapp, a leading strategic design advisory from Helsinki, Finland.
We are: Innovation strategy experts • Seasoned market researchers who put Jobs to be Done theory into practice • Award-winning authors of action-oriented books. This is what we’re thinking about.
We are a community of free thinking technology radicals delivering customer obsessive software.
Digital technology transforms one industry after another. We’re here to guide you through it.
From the Exosphere is a platform for sharing thoughts from the team at MartinJenkins. The exosphere is the last layer of atmosphere before space, offering an unrivalled view of our blue planet and where we might go next.