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There is a way of seeing the world different: The objective of “Tranquillity’s Secret” is to present a novel paradigm — a new way of understanding the world — and the meditation technique and its unexcelled support that has led me to see the world differently.
Welcome to wisdom, diversity, beauty and love. Goddess connection, spirituality, politics and action for women, celebration of beauty and diversity are the various themes
We provide public education and cultural understanding about psychedelic plant medicines and promote a bridge between the ceremonial use of sacred plants and psychedelic science.
Is consciousness produced by the physical material of the brain or is it “something more?” The issue is a major dividing line between physicalists and anti-physicalists with big implications for our culture and values.
Insights from the Medigraytion team on the science of consciousness, neuropsychology, anatomy & physiology and how they connect to create our personal and collective reality. Edited by Laura Graye