Penname tracks 17,774 Medium publications and ranks them by their growth rate so that you can find the right ones to read and publish with.
Transforming public spaces to foster engagement, equity, environmental sustainability and economic development in our cities. A collaboration of The JPB Foundation, Knight Foundation, The Kresge Foundation, William Penn Foundation and local partners.
Here we post technical and non technical content, best practices and success stories from European Google Developers across our programs (Google Developer Groups, Google Developer Student Clubs, Google Developer Experts, Women Techmakers, Accelerators) and products.
We are a team of dedicated writers who want to share our work with the world.
Publications of events, activities and submissions from the Figma Africa Community.
Socrates Café on Medium is all about making ours, on local and global scales, an inclusive, thoughtful and participatory society where regular exchanges of ideas and ideals among diverse people take place.
The NeuroTechX Content Lab brings together writers, editors and designers to create original written content exploring the world of neurotechnology from new and varied perspectives. If you’re interested in getting involved, find out more here:
Nike’s software engineers create the future of sport. They innovate retail experiences, connect athletes to the brand and create powerful moments of distinction through the Nike Digital ecosystem.