Penname tracks 17,774 Medium publications and ranks them by their number of followers.
Stories of the ideas, models, practices, and people powering today's redemptive ventures.
Solus Jesus: A Theology of Resistance, is the place to explore a new approach to Christianity. Emily Swan & Ken Wilson are co-pastors of Blue Ocean Faith, Ann Arbor (
Ideas Matter - Help restore the mind in Christian life
Advice, stories, reflections, and tips from Crossroads Church and our community.
Writers Sharing Personal Stories on How They Find and Live Out Faith in Today's World.
Transformed Faith is about helping people step into a deeper relationship with God where they experience Jesus and walk in the power of the Holy Spirit. This can happen today, why not join the movement?
The first Christians were called The Way: They found a way to live and follow Home.
Making it simple to understand Jesus and all things related to Him.
Exploring the world of faith and the world of technology. Can these two worlds co-exist? Or are they the same world? Do they cooperate or conflict? It’s uncharted territory. Chart it with us.
The AACC exists to equip and encourage clinical, pastoral, and lay care-givers with the Biblical truths and psychosocial insights that help hurting persons move toward personal wholeness, interpersonal competence, mental stability, and spiritual maturity.
Catholic readings and devotionals for the day. Find Bible quotes, prayers, poems and reflections to help you in your spiritual journey daily.
A place for messy, broken people (like me!). Because God doesn’t want anyone left out.
Using sociology and christianity to discuss relevant issues.
This is the Medium extension for the original website Of Intellect and Interest ( founded by John Tuttle in 2017. Here we talk about pop culture, entertainment, science, Catholicism, history, photography, writing, and much more.
Short posts designed to help you tether all of life to the cross of the risen and reigning Jesus.