Penname tracks 17,774 Medium publications and ranks them by their number of followers.
The Future is Electric is the house journal of TFIE Strategy Inc, a firm which assists global clients to future proof themselves in our rapidly changing world of business and technical innovation, and geopolitical and climate disruption.
What Works is honest conversation about running & growing a small business today. We seek out the thoughtful, intentional, and unconventional ways small business owners make it work.
The latest on design, technology, and innovation from the world’s leading business builder.
Get fresh perspectives on the latest developments in business from Slalom’s experts.
A collaborative collection of stories and musings from us, a global design studio
Private and public sector trends in audience engagement and data strategy.
Articles on digital in business and society by students, alumni and lecturers of the Grenoble Ecole de Management Advanced Masters in Digital Strategy Management.
The Futurian is a foresight magazine devoted to looking at how the future will be experienced. Many pockets of the future are seen today. We aim to examine those seeds of the future and how they impact upon the world in which we live.
We are an engineering and innovation firm. We solve complex business problems through optimization of process, technology, and culture.
Through ClearPurpose, we share our experience, tools, and methodologies to approach strategy development with discipline and structure, making it easier to achieve clarity, gain consensus, and communicate coherently. Note: As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases.