Penname tracks 17,774 Medium publications and ranks them by their number of followers.
Medium’s largest collection of advice, support, and encouragement for writers. We help you become the best writer possible.
Essays on novel writing, publishing, and the writing life from New York Times bestselling novelist Michelle Richmond.
Moms Don’t Have Time to Write is a new Medium publication inspired by the award-winning podcast Moms Don’t Have Time to Read Books, hosted by Zibby Owens.
Coffee Time Reviews is a publication for pour-your-heart-out book reviews and other books-related content. We publish passion-led pieces about books and reading, free of rigid writing rules.
A discussion on what it means and takes to be a sucessful indie author
Born to write, and born to read. Found out yet that words can make you bleed?
A publication for those who want to make use of 21st-century outlets such as websites, blogs, social media, content marketing, writing platforms, newsletters, promotional materials, speaking engagements, courses, books, and workshops to build a community-based thriving business.
From writing advice, marketing, and publishing to DIY tips, Author Bound is here to turn your aspiring author dreams into reality.
The Reading Lists is a Medium publication aimed at introducing you to your next great read. Here you’ll find recommended book round-ups, author interviews and advice on all things writing and publishing. Contact us at: [email protected]