Penname tracks 17,774 Medium publications and ranks them by their growth rate so that you can find the right ones to read and publish with.
IBM Data Science in Practice is written by data scientists for data scientists to gain hands-on and in-depth learning and to read about inspirational applications and conceptual understanding for challenging topics in the field. Discuss and network:
Clairvoyant is a data and decision engineering company. We design, implement and operate data management platforms with the aim to deliver transformative business value to our customers.
News, special project updates, hiring posts and more from the Data Science, Analytics and Machine Learning team at Monzo Bank
Gousto Engineering & Data Blog — As a data company that loves food, we share some of our secret sauce across data, engineering and product.
We’re a QA community exploring the latest and best of automation and testing including web, mobile, database, web services, cross browser, big data, data-driven, and regression test automation.